Hi, Ideas People

Yes, I see you! 

You’re the PhD students, Master’s students, leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches, writers, thought leaders, knowledge producers and people who make, and want to continue to make 

an impact.

How do you hold yourself to account, ensuring you take regular, small steps towards big thinking?

How do you ensure you pause from your 'busy work' to allow your thinking and creativity to ferment into something?

How do you make sure that you work on the things that make the most impact?

In Brain Fuel - a free membership group:

you will be supported to move from procrastination to proto-creation – the embryonic, deep reflective work necessary to produce your ideas’ output, whether that is writing a chapter of your thesis or dissertation, thinking through your plans for Q1-Q4 of your business, corralling your ideas for your book.

Brain Fuel is where you gestate, incubate and grow your ideas… in the company of others on a similar journey and with a similar mindset.Brain Fuel is curated by me, Dr Natalie Lancer - Chartered Psychologist, Coach, Writer, Speaker, Thinker, Educator and Ideas Doula.

This is what you get by becoming a member:

Brain Fuel Boost - We meet three Tuesday evenings a month, 8pm-9.30pm on Zoom, to write, read, think and plan.

We work together in companionable silence for a stretch of time and then have a short break, chatting and having tea/coffee. Then we work again and so on. It is a wonderful way to get some bulk work done in friendly company.

What does Brain Fuel do?

Brain Fuel enables you to take the time to work out what your thoughts are and to capture them. This process will help crystalise and evolve your ideas. These ideas might turn into a more tangible ‘thing’ which you might keep just for yourself, or it might go into your thesis or business, even an e-book, lecture or podcast series.

Do you need some Brain Fuel?

To join simply fill in your details below and click the "Complete Registration" button and you will then be sent the schedule. Join now and say ‘hello’ to your new supported, carved out space and time to do deep work, not busy work.

You need the space and structure to write down your ideas and harvest your thoughts, so that you can do something with them, instead of leaving them languishing in the recesses of your brain. These are the ideas that you want to be working on front and centre, that you want to spend your energy on.

You take photos, screenshots and make lists of the things you want to go more deeply into. Your ordered books pile up. Your papers accumulate. But you never get round to doing anything with these. 

So how do you make time for this “deep work” – the reading, reflecting and working up of ideas? 

When do you get to this important, life- and work-affirming stuff? 

How do you muster the energy, commitment and time to sit down with your ideas and reflect on them? 

Who do you discuss these kernels with, so they can expand into things?

You need Brain Fuel!

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Dr Natalie Lancer

Dr Natalie Lancer CPsychol is a Chartered Coaching Psychologist and Honorary Secretary of the British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology. She is accredited by the Association for Coaching and is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council. She coaches people who work with big ideas: PhD and Master’s students, entrepreneurs, other coaches and people who work on large projects who need help with motivation, staying focussed and managing their fears. 

She enables her clients to think creatively about what it is that they are doing using her original models, tools and exercises. She helps them boost productivity and banish procrastination, by reframing it as ‘proto-creation’. As a British Psychological Society Registered Applied Psychology Practice Supervisor, she supervises coaches, helping them reflect on and improve their practice. Natalie runs Study Hubs - writing retreats with one-to-one and group coaching, and teaches coaches and knowledge producers how to harness creativity. 

Natalie is the author of several books, academic papers and articles. She is co-author of Coaching Techniques – Lancer, N., Clutterbuck, D. and Megginson, D. (2016). Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring (2nd edn). Oxford: Routledge.

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